Minnesota often gets a bad rap. I mean, we have these winters where the weather is, shall we say, less than hospitable. And then, …

Well, I guess that’s it. Other than the winters, living in Minnesota can be pretty great, especially if you’re an artist. I’ve found a great community of writers here, and the grant opportunities for artists of all kinds can’t be beat in this state.

Last May, I applied for one of these grants, specifically the Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative grant. Today, I’m flummoxed and grateful and simply astounded to say that MSAB awarded me a grant for my work!

If you’re an artist in Minnesota – a dancer, a composer, a painter, a writer, or any other kind of artist, really – I encourage you to check out the Minnesota State Arts Board website. There, you can find out all about the Arts Board, along with their grant opportunities forĀ both organizations and individuals.

Being an artist is hard. Doubt about our skills often lurks over our shoulders. It shadows our art and plagues our abilities at times. However, I’m so thankful to be living in this great state. The community of writers I’ve found here, along with the support of the state, have helped me feel validated. Thank you again, MSAB!